E-Mail Sent Today, July 4, 2012 - 6:00 PM (CST)
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PETITIONTO: All Current Directors, Forbes Park Land Owner AssociationRE: 2013 Annual FPLOA Budget & Appointments for Officers of the FPLOAFROM: Liz Wilson, CMCA Candidate, 2012 FPLOA Board of Directors Owner, FPLOA Lots 2103 & 2104 - The REVISED Agenda (7/2/12) for this year's Annual Land Owner Meeting also shows an agenda for the Board of Director's Meeting to follow.
- Two of the three (3) agenda items are: "Officers of the Corporation Appointed" and "Fiscal 2013 Budget".
- The results of the 2012 Board of Director Election are unknown and will remain unknown until new election materials can be mailed out, returned and ballots counted.
As a candidate for the board of directors and as a member in good-standing of the FPLOA consider this my petition to you, as the current serving Directors of the FPLOA, to show good business judgment and good faith by: 1- POSTPONING the approval/adoption of the "2013 Fiscal Budget" AND 2- POSTPONING the appointment of officers of the corporation" until the 2013 Directors are elected and seated. Thank you. Liz Wilson, CMCACandidate, 2012 FPLOA Board of DirectorsOwner, FPLOA Lots 2103 & 2104 PLEASE JOIN ME IN OBJECTING TO THIS INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR BY E-MAILING OUR DIRECTORS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Thank You!
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