22 Eylül 2012 Cumartesi

FPHOA???...(Rest of the Meeting Transcipt Will be Posted Tomorrow)

My name is John. Cheri and I bought 4 acres on Grojean 10 years ago. Since the beginning, we have been both frustrated and fascinated by the Forbes Park politics. Since we only visit a couple times each year, we don't know any of the players; we just see a never-ending flow of discontent from within Forbes Park. The recent election seems to have unsettled some of the "powers that be".

All I know is I read the various candidate bios, and voted for Laura and Liz because I liked what they said they stood for. When I received email notice of the 2 disgruntled officers who resigned, I decided to let my feelings (at least a few of them) be known. So, today I used the web site contact form and sent the "Forbes Park Officers" the following:

"So the latest news is that two board members have resigned because they are displeased with election results? Please explain why the FPLOA harbors so much dissention, hate and discontent? We have owned our property for 10 years, and have yet to see harmony within the ranks of those who “manage”. And while the infighting proceeds, access to our property becomes nearly impassable due to lack of road maintenance. Various board members have often touted what a wonderful place we non-residents (campers) have to visit and how welcome we are; so long as we follow all the selectively-enforced rules, pay for resident snow removal via ever-increasing assessments, and don’t stay around too long with our ugly RVs. I have often thought that the FPLOA should more accurately be named the FPHOA. Maybe the election result was a message from the landowners that said, “We don’t care about petty power struggles, a fascination with inflating a reserve fund, or the notion that it’s necessary to maintain an army of directors, managers, and committees.” If you wonder why we don’t just sell our property and leave, it’s not because we haven’t tried. The obstacles to that include how prospective buyers quickly become aware of the overly-burdensome covenants, rules, fees, and bickering; plus they need a 4WD just to inspect the property. So, since we are apparently stuck in Forbes Park, can you at least provide a scorecard of who despises who, and why?"

I really don't expect a response from "the officers", but I feel a little better. I'm sharing this with your blog because it appears that at least some of you feel the same as we do.

Congratulations and good luck to Laura and Liz.

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