23 Eylül 2012 Pazar
Part 3 of 3: Liz's Notes/Semi-Transcript of Meeting on 9/1/12
Laura Barth: The other resignations, until I have something in writing on my desk, we can do that via e-mails because I do not know for sure about Mike and Sharon Roberts. They’re having meetings, I think.Skip Bunn: They have said that theirs are effective September 30. Laura Barth: I guess we can vote then. Need a motion to accept Mike Roberts’ resignation as Chairman of the Roads Advisory Committee. So I make that motion. Second? Skip Bunn: Second Laura Barth: And effective September 30. Any discussion on Mike Roberts? All right, let’s take a vote. Aye Skip Bunn: Aye Liz Wilson: Aye Laura Barth: and the other motion…do you want to make that one for Sharon? Skip Bunn: I make a motion that we accept Sharon Roberts’ resignation as Chair of the ECC effective September 30. Liz Wilson: I second that Laura Barth: Okay…any discussion on Sharon Roberts? Liz Wilson: I have a question. I don’t have an answer and I’m sure Ms. Colvin does. Are the ECC records being kept in the administrative building? Sandy Colvin: As they are completed on any home that’s done, they are brought down to the admin. Building and we put them in the active file or… (I couldn’t understand the rest of this sentence) Liz Wilson: As they are completed…so homes in process, then, you don’t have those files there now? Sandy Colvin: That’s correct. Those are maintained with the ECC Chair. Liz Wilson: Okay. So can we make as part of that resignation that those files are made available and returned to the office or at least at the office effective immediately? Because I think they need to be there. I accept her resignation based on the fact that the files need to be in the administrative building. Wayne McGregor: I’ve been the ECC Chairman and the ECC Chair needs to have the files at their disposal at their house because you get calls from people that are building and I’d have to drive down to the office to find that file and look at it before I can answer the question. While the action is going on, the ECC Chair needs ready access. Having two sets of files is a problem because you don’t know which the up-to-date one is (couldn’t understand other comments) Laura Barth: Liz, I think Wayne is probably correct in that Liz Wilson: I’m not talking about from now on. I’m talking about within the next 30 days. For the next thirty days, until she’s done, I think they need to be at the office. How the actual protocol is handled until we have an actual person who’s on- board, former ECC people might be willing to come on and give us input about a better way to handle it than we have been. When people are in transition, it’s very difficult to keep up with association records and we’re responsible, on a fiduciary basis, for every record that belongs to this association. Having them travel around in somebody’s truck or car or at their house who has already said, “I’m leaving in 30 days”, I believe is irresponsible. So I would prefer if, for the next 30 days, Ms. Roberts sustain the inconvenience – I believe we pay her mileage and I don’t think there’s that many houses under construction right now that those things are…(Laura said “Liz”)Can I finish? Laura Barth: Liz, I want to stand on the resignation motion and we can talk about this later cause this could take some time. Let’s accept her resignation as we made the motion for September 30. She’s got a meeting on Tuesday. We will get with Sharon. Is that okay? Liz Wilson: Who’s “we”?”We” who, will get with Sharon? You’re going to get with Sharon? Laura Barth: Skip and I are here in the Park. She’s got an ECC meeting. We need a replacement of at least two people on the ECC. Let’s accept the resignation and move on. Liz Wilson: Okay. I’m concerned about our records; I’d like that to be in the Minutes. Skip Bunn: I agree that they need the paperwork with them all the time. We do need somebody and I have one volunteer for ECC. It takes three people so, when we get through here, if you or anyone else wants to be on the ECC, let us know and maybe we’ll have a sign-up sheet or something where is there’s something you want to start or you want to be a part of, you can let us know today – that’s fine. We’ve got one person that says they will assist for awhile to train somebody and another person that says they’ll do it. But that is probably the most important job because they are independent of everybody else – kind of like a chief of police. We’ve got to have someone who doesn’t belong to a group and can be independent-minded. So if you want to volunteer to help out on the ECC or you want to chair the ECC, if you can let us know today, that would be tremendous. Landowner: Are there building projects going on in the winter?Laura Barth: There are some things going in the winter. They’ve got permits going. They’ve got contacts with the county. The ECC is involved in a lot. Right now they have a sub-committee to handle some of the gate issues, Sandy and Wade are now taking over most of that. There’s just a lot going on and we have no idea the status of homes being built and Sharon probably knows and she need to finish up in 30 days or she wouldn’t have picked that date. Landowner: I have a quick question about the ECC. Myself and others have given the ECC $500.00 when we started building. How are we going to get out $500.00 back? I sent an e-mail but I haven’t gotten any answer. Laura Barth: If an e-mail doesn’t get answered, give them some time. People are busy. Skip Bunn: If anybody pays any money in, those records should be kept at the office Sandy Colvin: And it is. All those checks come through the office.Laura Barth: … And it requires an inspection from what I remember. The refuse deposit means they are stating they are not going to use our dumpster for all of the trash and it still happens. As far as I know, everybody gets their $500.00 back because…So, if you asked for it in an e-mail and you don’t get an answer, forward that e-mail to Sandy and, if she doesn’t give you an answer, forward it to someone on the board. You’ve got to go up the chain if you don’t get an answer. All right, we’re going to go on with new business because I’d like to be done by 11:00. (Some members had to leave so Laura thanked them for coming and walked them to the door.) Okay, under new business -- some of this we won’t be voting on today. Contact Information for the Board, Previous Board E-Mail accounts, Website …, There’s G Mail accounts that are set up with people’s names on it -- like fploaDougRoper—that sort of thing that’s going to take communication action to figure out how to stop some of those e-mails. There’s an fploa BOARD e-mail at G-Mail that I understand doesn’t always get forwarded to the board. So I just put it on the agenda to let everyone know we are going to take some action so some of those e-mails might not work by the end of next week. Donna Atkins: I tried to make sure that all of those e-mails to the board that I picked up got transferred to the board. Laura Barth: It may be just one or two incidents but, all of a sudden, it’s hundreds of complaints. Donna Atkins: And all those can be changed. If people want different names or different passwords or whatever but Sandy and I should have copies of those in case someone forgets what their password or something is, they can get in touch with either Sandy or I and we can get it to them.Laura Barth: The thing about official e-mails is that they are official. So there shouldn’t be a big secret. The whole board, by law, needs to know if something is going on. They all need that information – if it’s action by the Park Manager. These things need to be shared and they are part of being open and transparent. If you are sending out an e-mail that you don’t want to share, don’t put it in an official e-mail. You might be in court some day trying to explain what you said in that e-mail. Liz Wilson: Since Sandy is going to be in charge of communication for the next 30 days, can we ask her to go ahead and terminate now accounts that need to be terminated and activating accounts that need to be activated and determining with you, as president, where and who accepts e-mails – from general e-mails to specific e-mails? Laura Barth: Okay, we’ll work on that. Sandy Colvin: We have the one at forbesparkcolorado at G-Mail Laura Barth: (to Donna Atkins) So… you have the fploaBoard one?Donna Atkins: Yes. In fact, I have all of them because I have to have a record.Laura Barth: Okay. The next item is return of properties to the Admin. Building and this happens all the time in a transition period. People have files. They forget about boxes they have – things that need to go back to our Park Manager need to go, hopefully, by the start of the fiscal year because a couple of people are still on until the 30th. It’s just a reminder. The auditor is looking for inventory items and I think Gene’s working on that. Liz Wilson: Laura, do I need to make that in the form of a motion? Because sometimes it’s hard to know who’s been delegated what. Do I need to make my recommendation that Sandy take care of the e-mail accounts in the form of a motion? And do we need to vote? Laura Barth: I don’t think so. Now that we’ve already given her communications, I don’t think we need another motion. Liz Wilson: Then Sandy will be responsible for eliminating e-mails that need to be eliminated and implement e-mails that need to begin. Is that correct? Laura Barth: That’s correct Liz Wilson: And can she also be sure that we get that information so we know what to do? Laura Bath: Yep. We’ll make sure there’s a record and our website people – they’re all staying – Steve Beckner, Jim Homer…has anybody heard whether Dorothy Barrett is staying on with the Bugler? Donna Atkins: We were thinking of releasing her from the Bugler because we were having trouble getting information from her or information to her. It would take her two or three extra weeks to get things done and the last two or three Buglers we never did get them out on time. One time Jim Homer said he would do it for us; that all we had to do was get the information to him and he would get it out immediately. He’s is really good at that.Laura Barth: That probably should be a session for communications .Maybe we can set up a meeting because I want input on that. I don’t want to act on asking Dorothy….(faded out) The next item is discussion and motion of the Wagon Creek project. Those of you that are not familiar with that. I cannot find the motions that were made by the Roads Advisory Committee or Fire Mitigation Committee in the past couple of years on the cistern that was put in the creek down by the picnic area. If anybody’s driven Wagon Creek, they probably have seen the hoses and pipes and, if you’ve gotten out and looked around, there’s a problem with the river. Gene’s been working on this. Bruce McElmurray is involved in it. There are about six government agencies that are involved in this. Skip Bunn: I think there are four. Laura Barth: It sounded like six from the letter. Skip Bunn: It’s the Department of Wildlife, Colorado Division of Water, Corps of Engineers, land Use Administrator, Trinchera Irrigation…There are quite a few that are looking at it and what we found out is that we were told there were permits for it and I saw an invoice that it cost $4,132.00 to install it and we are finding out that there was no permit to install it. So we have state agencies involved and we don’t know if we’re going to pull it out. But we do know that we are going to have to change the creek. We cannot block the creek. The trout have to be able to get up and down the stream and right now it’s blocked. So that’s going to have to be fixed. And we’ve been told that it needs to be sealed so the water can only be used for fire. We were told that it could be used for roads and fire but the Division of Water said it can be used for fire only and that it would have to be sealed and they would seal it up. So people have given us the wrong information. And why this is so important is that the water we have here all belongs to Trinchera Irrigation is my understanding. I could be not speaking correctly. Landowner: It’s all the surface water.Skip Bunn: I talked to the second in command, Bob Schultz, on August 11 who is under Matt Hardesty and he said the water belonged to Trinchera Irrigation. He said, if we made them mad, they could tell us to drain all our lakes, they could take down the dams and everything else. He said that right now the board over at Trinchera is very easy to work with—very friendly and everything else. But he said, if the board changes or if they get mad about something, they could force us into a very bad situation (couldn’t understand this part). Different state agencies are involved now and we don’t know exactly what we’re going to have to do. We do know we’re going to have to open up the creek for the fish. Landowner: (made some preliminary comments I could not understand) I’m pretty sure all the water rights belong to the state of Colorado. Laura Barth: Then the federal government is involved through the Corps of Army Engineers and I talked with Coop. He’s over in Durango. He’s aware of the situation. He’s getting a copy of the letter that Gene sent out. We’re waiting, I believe, on a final statement from him (said something garbled). There are two ways we can go. We can accept Gene’s offer to see through repairing it to their satisfaction so we can use it for fire protection. It involves putting in a valve and I don’t know how much money. The other is that Coop said he would like to see it restored to its original, natural state… at least for now… and that’s also going to involve some money – tearing it out, putting it back in. The fish… the fish are probably going to be damaged at least for a couple of years from what I hear. I was going to make a motion today between the two people that want to help. But, without the direction of the agencies, then we’re putting the cart before the horse. So I would like to table any motions today and maybe we could have a short discussion about how people feel about the creek down there. Landowner: I have a question. Isn’t there a second cistern some place?Landowner: It’s not a cistern. It’s just a dry hydrant. Laura Barth: There’s a cistern purchase. There’s an invoice for a cistern—a 200 gallon cistern Landowner: I’m refusing for Gene Fix to be involved in that creek down there. (I couldn’t understand) That cistern was donated and was that project a Roads responsibility or a Fire Mitigation responsibility? The invoice I have in my hands says the invoice was paid by the Roads Committee. (couldn’t understand the rest of what was said by this owner) Skip Bunn: I think that’s a good idea. We’ve got three or four engineers out her. Bill, aren’t you an engineer – a marine engineer or something like that? We’ve got four or five people around here that are engineers and really know about that stuff and I think they should be the ones put in charge-- working with these different agencies to make sure it’s done right. Because if it’s done wrong or we don’t have a permit for it, I agree with Phil, let somebody else tell us what to do and make it right. Landowner: I think one thing in the future… Things should be checked out a little further before making (garbled speech) Skip Bunn: That’s right. But when you have one person in charge and they tell you they have the permit and they say this is the way it’s done and we’ve gotten everything, you take their word for it. And it wasn’t the truth. Landowner: The thing I’m afraid of, because I’ve been in a similar situation is that, should the agencies decide to put the screws on the association, you’re not going to be able to do anything. They are going to provide the drawings. Their engineer is going to be there. They are going to supervise and they are going to make our lives miserable and then they are going to hand the bill. One or two persons can make the mistake but we’re all going to pay for it.Laura Barth: Coop did say that he’s already working over here in Trinchera. There’s been some agriculture damage on some of the waterways. He said that the association has been very cooperative. All of his discussions with Gene have been good—productive… but it was just a mistake. So we either move towards getting it taken care of…the letters in place and if we’re going to work on fixing it, it will get done. It just can’t get done today. Landowner: Wouldn’t it have been nice if we could have handled this entirely instead of having all these outsiders coming in and getting us in trouble? I mean wouldn’t it have been nice?Skip Bunn: It’s because you have to go through these agencies in order to do that. And if you don’t go through them and it’s done wrong, then you get in trouble. Sooner or later it’s going to catch up to you. You have to do it right or you are going to get in trouble. Landowner: Well we could have corrected it ourselves.Laura Barth: I don’t think anybody knew it was wrong until the attention came to the fish not getting out over the…there are these big rocks down there that are piled up and, if you’re down there at the right time, the fish are jumping and there’s no place for them to go. I don’t know anything about fish… Landowner: I provided Gene with all the information and details about what we would have to do to drill a commercial well in the right place for the fire situation and (couldn’t understand the rest). Laura Barth: So we’ll table that for now. There’s a lot of discussion that needs to happen and when Sandy gets the information through the office, I guess we’ll do is keep everybody informed on the website and make sure people know what’s going on because there are questions. Next item is on software requirements for our Park Manager. They’ve been working on it all summer. Sandy’s going to mention a couple things. I don’t know if we can vote on it today because there’s a lot of money involved. But she needs to be able to do her job. She’s got assessments coming in. If she gets the right software, her job’s going to be a lot easier. I don’t want her down there at midnight recording assessment every night. So go ahead and give us your ideas real quick. Sandy Colvin: We’ve looked at three different software products. The one we like and that can provide everything we need is called “Condo Manager” and it’s also the least expensive. We have a quote of $5045.00 to install it. Then there is a monthly recurring fee of $475.00. It gives us four (seats) and there’s a monthly charge. The office has a “seat”. The board has a “seat” and there would be two “seats” that could be accessed by the landowners. (Her comments became garbled) Laura Barth: So would it be like the county website where you can go on the website you can pull up a lot and see the public information. Did the previous board have a chance to hear the reasons why this software would be good? Sandy Colvin: The best thing about this is that it does everything the board has asked it to do (her comments became garbled) Liz Wilson: Laura, I’d like an opportunity to have some time for this current board to take a look at this. I realize they’ve done a lot of research. Some of us have dome some on our own. I would like to see the benefit analysis, spreadsheet or whatever they did -- this program as opposed to this program and what it would do. Assessments have gone out. So aren’t we more in a posting as they come in kind of situation? Is that something we could do, just manually, until we have an opportunity to look that program over? Laura Barth: Yes we have some time, but that’s the problem. She’s manually processing assessments. Liz Wilson: I understand but I would like to have some time to look at it. That’s a significant purchase and an important commitment because, once we’ve made that move, we’re going to be locked into that for long-term because that’s the way it works with software programs. It’s like affordable not but not always affordable down the road because they increase them a lot of times, annually, through subscriptions and updates and they charge you for updates and now you have to have a new module to do what it used to do. And I would just like to be able to look it over. Laura Barth: Okay. Since it’s a new business discussion, I wanted it on the table so we can move on something here in the next…. Skip Bunn: Tell us what you need and give us the different options. Let us look them over and we’ll get you what you need. Sandy Colvin: The next cheapest one was $16,675.00 and $585.00 in monthly payments. Laura Barth: Okay we’ve got two items to get to and hopefully, we can call the meeting. The next one is motion and discussion on the administrative transfer fees of $200.00 per lot owner and Sue has a presentation. Sue Bunn: We are charging at this time $200.00 transfer fee for a person to sell their property. I’ve talked to (?) and she said she spends about 30 minutes on this so, instead of charging $200.00, I would like to recommend we charge about $50.00Landowner: In all of the real estate contracts we do up here, I haven’t had one objection from buyers. I always thought it was a good source for administration fees. I don’t see any reason why we, necessarily, have to reduce it. (Here there were miscellaneous comments I could not understand – several speaking at once). Laura Barth: When that was enacted we didn’t have any money. The association didn’t have any money. The other thing is, when I was Treasurer, I ended up having to send late statements to people that did not pay their transfer fee because they didn’t go through a real estate company or a title company. And there were people getting bills because they got divorced and, all of a sudden, address changed on the wife and she has to pay $200.00 on her own property or it went to a trust and they’re getting billed. So there have been some objections. Landowner: Yes we did, originally, use it as a fundraiser and we’ve all heard that discussion but to limit yourself to $50.00, you’re making an assumption that nothing is ever going to change. I think that Ward’s comment is a no-brainer. The number of people who don’t go through a real estate agent is a small percentage, aren’t they? Laura Barth: There’s been more in the last couple of years, yes. Landowner: Anyhow I don’t think it’s a bad idea and I think it’s a way to keep the dues down. We’ve got a high delinquency rate right now and we’re losing all that money. If we lower this to $50.00 or $100.00, we’re just going to lose just that much more.Landowner: There’s something else you need to take into consideration. There are copies of the By-laws you have to send out to the buyer and all that other paperwork you have to copy. There are a lot of things the buyer has to receive a copy of – by law they have to have the latest financial statement, covenants --- all that stuff and it’s going to cost some money.Sandy Colvin: And, as far as I know, the communication still sends out a paper copy….Laura Barth: This sounds like a subject we may want to table and do a little more study on. It’s not something we have to act on today. It was one of my campaign promises and people have asked me about it. Jim & I sold a lot two years ago and we found out, at closing, that the buyer wasn’t going to pay it and we had to write out two checks. One was for $90.00 to the association. The other was for $135.00 to Warren Management at the time. They charged the fee. So the total fee did not come to the association. Landowner: That’s’ something that would have been disclosed with a realtor.Laura Barth: We had a realtor. Let’s just table that. That’s going to take a lot of discussion. (Heard several people talking at once but could not pick up what was said) Maybe we can discuss that at the next Real Estate committee meeting. So the last thing is signature authority at the banks. Donna, do we know who signs right now at the banks? Donna Atkins: Jack and Gene are the only ones as far as I know. Laura Barth: The bank wouldn’t tell me until I take in a copy of minutes. So I’ll read my motion and you guys think about it for…30 seconds (laughter). The board agrees to appoint board chair, Laura Barth, Vice-Chairman, Skip Bunn and Park Manager, Sandy Colvin to have signature authority on the Forbes Park bank accounts and for the debit card used for petty cash expenses. Two signatures will be required for expenditures over $1000.00. One signature is required for expenses under $1000.00 that are in the budget and are ordinary and necessary to conduct day-to-day business. The reason is because Sandy has to do a job. If she gets a bill for $900.00 from San Isabel, you should not have to come to the board every time she’s got to pay a bill that’s in the budget. If committees come in with expenses and she sets up a PO system, an invoice system – whatever works for her –she should be able to write a check; she should be able to give them cash; she should be able to use the debit card. It used to be that things over $25,000 required membership comment and approval and that’s gone away. But for this motion, starting Tuesday, I would like to get to the banks and have that authority so we can get on with business. That’s my motion. Skip Bunn: I’ll second that motion Laura Barth: Liz, did you hear that? Liz Wilson: I’m thinking. Laura Barth: While you’re thinking… we have a CD that expires next Friday. It’s for $53,702.00. It is Reserve money. We’re not voting on it today but the board needs to decide if we need it for something or if we can keep it in Reserves. We can add more authority, Liz, and add the Treasurer once we have a Treasurer in October. Right now Jack has authority to transfer money to pay the bills. Liz Wilson: With two signatures? I don’t understand. Laura Barth: Right now Sandy has no authority to write out a check. Liz Wilson: I’m kind of confused. Is this effective immediately, then? Laura Barth: I want it to be effective when we go to the bank on Tuesday or Wednesday so we can get on with business. Liz Wilson: So Jack would no longer be a signatory, then, but yet he’s the Treasurer for 30 more days? Laura Barth: He’ll have to work the transition with Sandy. Liz Wilson: I understand but you didn’t list him as one of the people who would have signature authority, yet he’s Treasurer for another 30 days. Laura Barth: Okay, we’ll change the motion to keep Jack on for another 30 days Liz Wilson: If we’re going to keep our Treasurer, I think he needs to be able to keep the ability to sign a check. I think that its’ fine. I would like to see that weekly, until we have a Finance Committee or whatever we’re going to do with that, that somebody is reviewing the checkbook and the check register. Laura Barth: Okay. So are you going to second the motion if we keep the Treasurer for 30 days? Skip Bunn: For 30 days until everything is transferred over and until everything is working. Laura Barth: Well we can table it… Liz Wilson: No, I would like us to go ahead and get the finances in shape. I just think it’s kind of a fuzzy area to have Treasurer who can’t sign a check who’s going to remain in place for another thirty days. I just want to make sure we’re all clear. I think we need two signatures on any check but $1000.00 is fine. I just want to clear up who can sign it and tell Mr. Nickle, if he’s staying on and has been a signatory, why he’s no longer one. I think he needs an explanation. Or is there any reason why we can’t also add him as an additional person who’s also able to sign a check until he’s officially gone. I guess? Which is it? Laura Barth: We’re going to keep him as a signatory until the end of the month. Liz Wilson: Okay. So can you read back the motion? Laura Barth: (Re-read her original motion) in addition to our Treasurer, Jack Nickle, until the end of the month. Liz Wilson: I would like to amend the motion to add and that one board member, who is a signatory, will be responsible for looking at the checkbook every Friday. Laura Barth: Okay, I’ll take on that job until September 30th. Liz Wilson: Yeah! (Laughter) Laura Barth: Can we vote? Skip Bunn: Yea Laura Barth: Yea Liz Wilson: Yea Laura Barth: That concludes our new business and two dates are set up on the calendar and we can change those of course. Liz, you’re going to be here on Friday, Sept 21st, correct? Liz Wilson: Yes. Laura Barth: Okay. She’s going to be here in the office to get up to speed with some of the stuff going on… Liz Wilson: Can we confirm the date for the next board meeting because I’d like to be there for the October board meeting? Is there a way we could do that today or do we need to check with Mr. Waters? Laura Barth: Let’s check with Mr. Waters. That’s the regularly scheduled meeting for October 27th Skip Bunn: Yes. It was changed to October 6th last year because he’s in the Park at that time so we need to check with him and see when he’s going to be here .It was changed to October 6th so we may need to leave it at that. We can check with him and see which dates he will be here. It will either probably be Oct 6th or October 27th. Liz Wilson: I don’t believe Laura is available in the 6th. Is that correct? Laura Barth: The thing about October 6th is if you’re closing out your year-end books, – your accountant, your auditor—nobody’s going to be ready on October 6th to give us a financial report. Liz Wilson: Then I’d like to make a motion that we stick with October 27th and, hopefully, we can all make it happen. Skip Bunn: That’s fine. We can always use the poly-com. Laura Barth: October 6th I’ll be in Chicago and I won’t be on the poly-com because we’ll be at a party (laughter). Liz Wilson: Hey…I’m at a “party” and I hear fine. Laura Barth: We don’t need to make a motion. It’s regularly scheduled. Liz Wilson: I just wanted to confirm it because I need to make arrangements to be there. Laura Barth: Okay. That concludes our meeting. The one on the 21st is a planning session, a workshop, a meet-and-greet – whatever you want to call it – here at 9:30, 2 hours, because NAG meets that afternoon. So, hopefully, we’ll have some ideas on committees, where we’re going, maybe we’ll finish up the Wagon Creek restoration between now and two weeks from now. Liz Wilson: Can I make a recommendation? If we don’t have a pass-around sheet…I noticed a couple of times that Skip has said, if there’s anybody here that would like to volunteer their expertise to the association to assist us with major decisions, we’d sure like to know who they are. I don’t know many people at all so, if you happen to be there today, and you have some area of expertise where you feel very comfortable, I would love to have you be a part of this. I would like to include anybody and everybody who knows what they’re talking about and who cares about Forbes Park to be a part of us. Laura Barth: I’m giving them your e-mail (laughter) Liz Wilson: Please do! Skip Bunn: I have a sign-up sheet here, ready to go. And we need at least three people for a Finance Committee – anywhere up to five. So anybody who’s interested in being on the Finance Committee or the ECC or the Roads or thinking of starting or want to be on, please come up and sign this sheet before you leave. That would be great. Laura Barth: I’m going to make a motion to adjourn and then we can still stay and talk. ??? : I have a question before we leave. What’s the status of the vacant board member? Laura Barth: That’s a good question. We can go two options or three options. And we might need a legal opinion on the third option. The first option would be to go down the line of the four candidates who also ran for the election. That’s not a bad option. If there would have been three openings, Marie Mercier would have been elected. The second option is based on our By-laws. If there’s an opening for any reason, the other board members appoint someone. That means we could actually solicit – go out and find someone and do it that way. The third option is not to do anything until the next election, work as a four-member board and, if the split is two and two, we’re going to have a lot of discussions trying to get something passed. I think we may need legal opinion on that because I think the By-laws say we “shall” appoint someone but it doesn’t say when. ??? – It would be nice to have another full-timer…I think.Laura Barth: Okay and it takes a lot of energy to step up and get landowners behind you, get nominate, go through two elections… Liz Wilson: Laura, the language is “shall”. It’s not “may”. Would you like me to read it? Laura Barth: I know Barb (Reid) had to go through that and assign somebody to do that. Do you know how long it took you? Barb Reid: We offered it to the next runner-up. He refused and then we just appointed someone to serve. Laura Barth: Okay…I motioned to adjourn? Skip Bunn: Second Liz Wilson: Yes Laura Barth: Okay. Thank you, everybody, for coming. We’ll see you on the 21st and if you need e-mails or phone contacts, Sandy has them.
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