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“Anonymous”…if you have facts about what is going on that I have neglected to post or slanted information that you believe I have posted, please feel free to illuminate the rest of us. Every “post” or “comment” that I have submitted has been under my REAL name and the “truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth” as I know it.
I am not ashamed of my convictions nor am I afraid to share my opinions. It doesn’t matter to me whether or not you share them. This is MY blog. It is NOT “OFFICIAL” FPLOA information and that is clearly indicated. Just because I became a board member does not mean I have lost my constitutional right of free speech. As an American, I am still at liberty to express myself and I will. The whining, complaining and harassment from a few members is not going to change that. Clapping, rude and disrespectful interruptions and comments made at meetings of the board won’t silence me either. “Incite” means to “prompt or encourage action”. Therefore, I am gratified this blog is having that affect on others. My heart’s desire is to see as many FPLOA members as possible become active in our community association. For FAR too many years, a few self-serving, rules-are-for-everyone-else landowners have terrorized and ridden rough-shod over the rest of us. I hope MY blog has given other members like me--who don’t behave that way – hope. Hope that one day the tyranny of the few is going to come to a close. In a community association, the MAJORITY will decide where we go from here. I am and will do everything within my power to find ways and means by which ALL FPLOA “voices” can and will be heard….even yours. After all, I’ve posted your “anonymous” comment on MY blog – even though I don’t agree with you.
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