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Fixer Kool-Aid Group,
Be on notice. Your behavior, antics and demands will no longer be tolerated. You will be identified for who you are. Your goals in the past were to control the FPLOA and all of the assets by being appointed by the past President to leadership positions in order to control every committee, officer and Board position possible. The past Chairman of the Board used his position in order to enact illegal Bylaws and policies which violated some of our covenants.
You have hired people to work for our association who are not qualified for these positions and are being over paid in one case. You have also put our association in a financial bind by purchasing expensive machinery which could have been purchased for much less at auctions. You had your chance and the majority of you resigned after the last election; which indicated you were only volunteering for self-centered and selfish reasons. It's about time to step aside and let those who have been recently elected have their turn.
A "Friend"
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