19 Eylül 2012 Çarşamba

Posting Comments and Sharing Information

Post Content
When posting comments, please be courteous.  If you are going to college and gaining information on professors be professional while discussing professors and classes.  All comments will be approved before being published onto the site.

This site is designed to be a place where students and parents can gain quick and easy facts on professors.  Please state why you like or dislike a professor, as well as the pros and cons of certain classes.  Be as detailed as you wish. Please stay on-topic and post within the right topics to keep the information clear and concise.  This blog is not meant to be a social gathering.  As important as socializing is, this blog is not designed for that purpose.

Swearing is not allowed on this blog.  Comments describing professors and classes with swearwords will not be approved.  If you are discussing something a professor said or something of equal nature, exceptions will be made, but please be discrete when stating what was happening within a classroom or with a professor.

If these guideline are followed then your comments will be approved.

Anonymous or Identified
When posting information, you may post as anonymous or identified.  A named source may be considered more reliable, yet it is understandable if you do not want to be identified.  One reason for concern with identifying yourself might be the concern that you may have a certain professor again in the future.  If the comments were negative, you might not want the professor to be able to identify you if he/she were to see the comments.

For this reason, anonymous or identified comments will be approved.  If you choose to post as identified, you may leave your first or last, or both, names. 

No matter how you post, but particularly if you post as anonymous, I would ask that you post enough information to show credibility.  Describe specific scenarios, identify a particular class, etc.  This will lead to credibility and detailed information that will be useful.

Student or Parent
One last suggestion (but by no means is it mandatory) would be to identify whether you are a student or a parent when posting.  Oftentimes parents and students have different perspectives, so it might be useful to share this information with the readers. 

Sharing Information
The purpose of this blog is to be as useful as possible.  However, in order to be truly useful, people must use this blog.  Therefore, please spread the word about this blog to whomever may find use in it and/or share information on it.

Thank you so much for using this blog, and I hope it is of use to you!

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