The Political Arena - Submitted by: Skip B.
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Do you feel like you are being drawn into a political arena? In this world there is much that divides us. Political strategy is used to obtain some given objective. An organized body of like-minded individuals will develop certain tactics in order to promote their agenda. The following tactics are currently being used by some FPLOA landowners in order to achieve their objective: · Associate your opponent with undesirable activity· Attach derogatory labels to your opponent· Bury your opponent with accusations· Get surrogates to do your dirty work· Get the information “Out there”· I scratched your back, now you scratch mine· Make yourself look good while hurting your opponent· Position your opponent as undesirableThese tactics have been chosen by those who wish to divide our community in order to conquer. They have misused the private FPLOA e-mail list of our landowners which they have acquired as past officers and chair people. They call themselves “Concern Citizens”. They won’t use their names but inspire others to do the dirty work for them by using theirs. The objective is to change the balance of power from the current Board back to themselves for their own self-interests. Someone is Right and someone is Wrong. It is your choice/decision to seek out the Truth. It will not be that hard to do. Skip Bunn
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