7 Şubat 2013 Perşembe

Who's In Control? - Subimtted by: Carol

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Some say that the BOD in Forbes Park has all of the control. If this is the case then I ask you why the following has happened recently:
  • A resident landowner calls a GENERAL MEETING OF LANDOWNERS….and the Park Manager sends an email out to “who knows who” at the landowner’s request…with attachments.
  • NAG doesn’t like the PROPOSED guidelines for use of the FP Center so they join forces and go to the Center, removing all of the items that they DONATED to the Center.
  • A group of dissidents is causing trouble by sending out emails using the FP email list. I don’t have an email list of the lot owners…do you?
  • I could go on…………..but will spare you.
Looks like a classic case of the tail wagging the dog.Carol N. McElmurray

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