18 Şubat 2013 Pazartesi

In the Cross-Hairs...

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"Concern Citizen" has distributed another e-mail and this time I'm the target.
Apparently, I am being accused of failing to keep some of my campaign promises. It appears the most heinous have received red-fonted emphasis in their mainfesto. They are:
1-  FPLOA Website Updated M-F, 8:00 am
2- Regular Owner Surveys with Published Results
3- Complete Financial Reports, Posted Monthly, on Website 
4- Focus on Peak Month Conditions (Late Spring, Summer & Early Fall)
 For those of you who have an interest in the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, I submit the following...
1- I have, repeatedly, asked for the website to be updated everyday. I represent 20% of the board's votes and have no authority to act alone nor to force the the former manager and/or web team to do my bidding. The former manager was either unable and/or unwilling to administer and update the website daily and the rest of the team are volunteers who don't have time to take that on. So "we" are going to solve that problem as follows: 
  • I am the Board's "point man" for the brand new website (Condo Manager LIVE) -- which will be far more   user-friendly to everyone. As soon as it is "up", I have volunteered to update it until we can hire & train a qualified "manager". We also have other volunteers lined up who will help.
  • The new site should be ready to go within a month. Our amazing web team is working as fast as they can to upload/migrate all of the landowner data base now -- which, by the way, was a confusing, mis-spelled, inaccurate, contradictory, in-complete mess.

** Please thank the web team. What they have done, are doing and will do to work this through is a herculean effort. They are truly competent, intelligent, un-selfish members.
2- In addition "we" have plans to use "Survey Monkey" (or a similar provider) to place links within OUR new website in order for regular surveys to be carried out. As promised. I have been collecting suggestions for the last 4 months through personal contacts, the board's e-mail and this blog and will continue to do so.3- Since the election (and unlike last fiscal year), FPLOA financial reports HAVE been posted every month. January & February reports have been delayed because the bookkeeper, the Auditor and the former manager  have had different and/or missing information related to the accounts payable and the accounts receivable (related to assessments, late fees, fines etc.)  Volunteers are working with us everyday -- trying to sort this out so we can post something which is reasonably accurate. All the while we are trying to complete the Audit, we also have an in-progress Reserve Study; complicated for the reasons already outlined and failure to complete an updated Reserve Study that was scheduled for LAST fiscal year. 4- I will always focus on the months of the year when MOST of our landowners can use their property -- late Spring, Summer and Early Fall. I believe Mr. Citizen is mainly "concern" about the vocal-locals who share the same self-serving "concern" as he does.Since they also quote some of my other campaign promises (without use of the red-font), I also thought you might want to know:
  • I have not voted to use "chemical sprays nor voted to spend money for any additional eyesores to be placed or dumped on the Common Lands -- nor will I.
  • I have not, nor will I, vote for any assessment increases during my term of office
  • I just wrote and submitted a grant proposal for THIS Fiscal year which, if awarded, will give us thousands of dollars to "clear vegetation from designated roads and right-of-ways" that we would not have had otherwise.
So..."Concern Citizen" better hold onto its hat because this particular CMCA is 100% committed to keeping her promises to the landowners who voted for her. Keep those cross-hairs aimed on this target. I've been in office 5 months and I was elected to serve 36. Aim well and hold on tight because this gal is a moving target -- pledged to do everything she can to move US into a brighter and brighter future for OUR association!

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